My project was based on the two opposites Calculated and Chance. I felt as though these words would be quite challenging and interesting. The way I approached this task was by looking at contextual artists. In one of my lectures an artist called Fernando Brizio did some artwork based on chance, he let felt tip pens leak into porcelain. Initially I thought I would focus more on chance, however when I started researching on calculated I started focusing my project more on this but brought elements of chance into my work. My ideas did change whilst proceeding with my work, as certain things did not work to my standards. Also getting advice from tutors and peers helped which slightly changed my ideas.
My use of colour has significantly improved. I was quite afraid of using colour in my work and just stuck to using black and white. The workshop on colour helped me become more confident in using colour and the different ways they could be used. I particularly liked the gouache paint they demonstrated, and I have been frequently using this in my work. I feel as though my downfall in this project was developing my work and focusing on an idea. I felt as though I had too many ideas it was distracting me from focusing on one particular thing and slowed my process down.
The knit workshop was enjoyable in series workshop 1 and I felt as though I wanted to improve my knitting skills. In my last project, I felt I developed very well with knit and hoped the same with this project. However, I found it a bit difficult and struggled creating samples and trying to develop and experiment with them. As I was looking at calculated art, I felt as though maybe I should have chosen something more like print or digital as they fitted more with my brief. However, I did experiment and learnt many new techniques that have helped me.
My sketchbook has been used for direct thinking, where my ideas were placed immediately into my book. Some of my work I edited on Photoshop as it gave a better effect although I am not that good with Photoshop.
I realised most of work consists of different lines and style of lines, so I feel as though I may push this further but still bringing in elements of calculated and chance. I started looking at lines in shells and cells, so maybe this could help me with my second part of the project.
I feel as though the presentation of my work is up to standards, however I should add more notes at this may help people that are looking through my sketchbook get an idea of what was going through my mind when doing certain things.
If I were to start this project again, I would have a chosen a different workshop as it would have fitted more with my brief. My contextual reference helped me decide what to focus on more and helped me with my colour selection. Comparing my work with peers has helped me, as their advice and looking through their sketchbook has given me ideas and made me become more confident in my work.
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